Tuesday, March 3, 2009

i rmbr reading one of the stories in my giant book of stories mum bought for me when i was a little girl

and it was about this little boy who helped save a whale that got washed to the shore

and i rmbr how he used his clothes to soak up water and made trips to and fro to get water from the sea back to the shore to keep the whale wet

and today, down in tasmania

on king's island,

then exact same thing is happening

seeing the clothes on the magnificent animals

the people running up and down to get water

carrying these animals back to the sea

48 pilot whales and 5 dolphins have been saved so far

but 130 have died so far

if only there was a way i could contribute..



another thought,

i miss being a child,

where our minds are so pure and clean and unshaped or uninfluenced by the terrible things of this world.

take some time to evaluate yourself,

what has the world shaped you into?

"Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it at all." Mark 10:15

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