Tuesday, January 6, 2009


gosh i need a vacation

oh, i just had one.

maybe i need another one.

i'm SOOOO tiredddddddd!!!!!!!!!

well there's no time for anymore vacations,

maybe i should give good old Mother a shot.

i'm so tired its not even funny.

finally finished my packing.

still so much left to do!!



move my furniture out.

clean up the house.

my house looks like a war zone, like seriously.

its such a MESS with me and my housemate's bf moving out.

boxes, suitcases, bags, parcels, things everywhere!

Shelley sent her friend Reuben off to Singapore for good today, and come home a lil down.
and now she's going on and on about how i should not leave to Port Augusta.
i must admit when people keep telling me not to leave,
it does burden me a little not to.
right now, i've gotten over the whole "i don't wanna leave" phase.
and i really hope i don't sink back into reluctance when people start bidding me goodbye.

but i must say that this nomadic lifestyle is ABSOLUTELY draining.
not only physically, but emotionally.
but i suppose this is a phase in life all of us will go through at some point in life.
somehow i see myself being nomadic for the rest of my life.
while one part of my heart wants to settle down and have a stable and constant life,
the other part has so many dreams which makes settling down anything but an option.

one step at a time, i shall not be hasty.

alright, what's the next task on my list.


back to your cleaning sweetie.


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