Sunday, December 7, 2008


i forgot that i was in the process of pulling everything out from the roots.

Instead i've strayed away and been feeding, nurturing and watching it grow.

and as it lives and gets sturdier, day by day i die a little more on the inside.

is realising this 1 day before i head off on my own again a little too late?

i think it is.

i'm stepping into the wrong battlefield.
this battle should not be mine to fight.
i need to leave.
coz there are some things in life not worth fighting against which we just need to run from.

i look ahead and all i see is pain.
then why do i still want to go there?

is it that hard to act on a decision that will save your soul from rejection and hurt?

uproot it Shaleen.
just do it.
It'll only hurt for a while.

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