Wednesday, June 25, 2008

shaleeni the ref

so i'm taking the grade 3 course to become a swimming technical official
spent half my day at the pool today
so good to watch the kids training
makes me realise that i've been out of school and off my athletic days for 5 years already
i must say i miss it heaps tho..


oh well, at least i'm on my way to become an official now..
at least i'm still involved in the sports world in some way

oh a random note

i've got a new swimsuit :)


aehknum said...

I heard bout your fall from Sher when she was back and I didn't know it was THIS bad (based on those bloody pictures).

Really really look up to you on how you went through it strongly and yeap, you look all good now! =)

I'm sure its through this small incident that it could have taught you some stuffs -- eg. good friends around you are always for you and He hears prayer? =)

I'm keeping you in prayer now, do take care of yourself (I know you superwoman and lasak) and continue to be a blessing to the folks in Adelaide! Have a safe flight back (Monday right?)! =)

seh-leh-neh said...

thanks for the encouragment
yup i sure did learn a lot from this, a lot about myself too which i never knew about before this happened

yes, monday it is