Friday, May 4, 2007

studyin at the park!

during the hols, i decided to spend time at the park to study, since i found it hard to study at home. so i would bring my blanky, my busuk, my study material and loads of food, choose a lovely little spot by the river and spend the whole day there reading my books. and one day deb came along too. And the thing i love the most bout studying at the park is the fact you get to play with all the duckies and swans there. they're so cute, but you gotta be careful, coz they'll just come peck ur food away when ur not watching. trust me. i've been there!!

the swan. it kept standing on one foot and deb was sooo tempted to knock it over. haha.

The baby swans! soo cute rite! i so wanted to take one home..
the pics are kinda small.. click it for a bigger image k..= )

Happy family = )

Happy roomies = )
Love you debs!

I'll get you one day.... muaahhahahahahaa........



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